leo horoscope today
Leo Love Horoscope. Considering the transit you would be keen on getting some spiritual knowledge today. Horoscope Today Free Daily Horoscopes From Astrology Answers What you might not realize is that if you just put a few minutes into improving your organization you could end up saving hours. . Aug 27 2022 - Even though you probably arent getting on a plane today Leo you would love to at some point in the future. Your wanderlust is back and youre bound for the wild blue yonder yet again most likely to someplace exotic. Romance may have felt like anything from a relaxing Sunday drive all the way to a roller coaster ride lately -- either way you may want to keep your seat belt on this week. If its a fresh start that you are looking for then this day promises to give you just that. As the years only Virgo new moon illuminates your second house of money and finances this Saturday its shining a light on an exciting path forward. The planetary ...